Council Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of every month at 6pm predominantly at the Euroa Community Conference Centre, except January when no meeting is held, and December when the meeting is held on the second Tuesday of the month.

2024 Ordinary Council Meeting Dates

Public Question Time

Questions for the Council Meeting can be submitted and will be read out by the Administrator (Chair), or a member of staff nominated by the Chair, during the Public Question Time component of the meeting and responded to by the Administrator or Officers.

Please note: Questions must be lodged either by delivery to Council’s main office, electronically to the prescribed email address (, or by submitting them online here, at least 30 hours prior to the Council meeting. No person may submit more than two questions for any one meeting, with each up to a maximum of 300 characters.

Council Meetings

The next ordinary meeting of Strathbogie Shire Council is scheduled to be held on Tuesday 20 August 2024 commencing at 6.00 pm at the Nagambie Lakes Regatta Centre, 66 Loddings Lane, Nagambie.  Please note the change of location for this meeting.

Agendas for meetings are available on Council’s website on the Friday prior to the meeting.

All Council meetings can be watched in retrospect on our YouTube channel Strathbogie Shire Council.

Here at the Strathbogie Shire Council we are committed to keeping the public informed and up to date on what is happening around the Shire and within Council.

Recent Agendas and Minutes

Agenda for Council Meeting 16/07/2024

20240716_Minutes_Decisions of Council Meeting 16 July 2024 – Unconfirmed

20240716_Agenda_Council Meeting_16 July 2024

20240716_Confidential Business Certificate_Council Meeting_16 July 2024

20240716_Item 11.1.1_Attachment 1_Planning Applications Received_May 2024

20240716_Item 11.1.1_Attachment 2_Planning Applications Determined_May 2024

20240716_Item 11.1.1_Attachment 3_Planning Permit Activity Performance Figures_May 2024

20240716_Item 11.1.1_Attachment 4_Current VCAT Appeals_May 2024

20240716_Item 11.1.2_Attachment 1_Planning Applications Received_June 2024

20240716_Item 11.1.2_Attachment 2_Planning Applications Determined_June 2024

20240716_Item 11.1.2_Attachment 3_Planning Permit Activity Performance Figures_June 2024

20240716_Item 11.1.2_Attachment 4_Current VCAT Appeals_June 2024

20240716_Item 11.1.3_Attachment 1_Strathbogie RRLUS and UGS Community Engagement Plan

20240716_Item 11.2.3_Attachment 1_Sevens Creek Master Plan Final Draft

20240716_Item 11.4.1_Attachment 1_20240531_Minutes_Audit and Risk Meeting 31 May 2024

20240716_Item 11.4.2_Attachment 1_DRAFT_S11_Instrument of Appointment and Authorisation

20240716_Item 11.4.2_Attachment 2_DRAFT_S11A_Instrument_Appointment_ Authorisation_Planning_Environment Act1987

20240716_Item 11.4.2_Attachment 3_DRAFT_S11B_Instrument Appointment_Authorisation_EPA_Act 2017

20240716_Item 11.4.3_Attachment 1_DRAFT_S18_Instrument_Sub-Delegation_EPA_Act 2017

20240716_Item 11.4.4_Attachment 1_DRAFT S6_Instrument_of_Delegation_Members_Of_Staff

20240716_Item 11.4.5_Attachment 1_DRAFT S5_Instrument of Delegation_Council to CEO

20240716_Item 11.4.6_Attachment 1_Procurement Policy

20240716_Item 11.4.6_Attachment 2_Procurement Policy – Policy Impact Assessment Tool

20240716_Item 11.4.7_Attachment 1_Rates Payment and Collection Policy and Procedure

20240716_Item 11.4.7_Attachment 2_Rates Payment and Collection Policy – Policy Impact Assessment Tool

20240716_Item 11.4.8_Attachment 1_Draft Kerbside Waste Collection Services Policy

20240716_Item 11.4.8_Attachment 2_Kerbside Waste Collection Services Policy – Policy Impact Assessment Tool

20240716_Item 11.5.1_Attachment 1_Model Councillor Code of Conduct

20240716_Item 11.5.1_Attachment 2_Professional Development and Mayoral Training

20240716_Item 11.6.1_Attachment 1_Civic Administration and Depot Operations_Existing Conditions

20240716_Item 11.6.1_Attachment 2_Civic Administration and Depot Operations_Design Principles

20240716_Item 11.6.1_Attachment 3_Civic Administration and Depot Operations_Functional Brief

Extraordinary Council Meeting 25/06/2024

20240625_Minutes/Decisions of Extraordinary Council Meeting 25 June 2024

20240625_Agenda_Extraordinary Council Meeting_25 June 2024

20240625_Item 8.4.2_Attachment 1_2024-25 Budget-Strathbogie Shire Council

20240625_Item 8.4.2_Attachment 2_2024-25 Fees and Charges-Strathbogie Shire Council

Council Meeting 18/06/2024

20240618_Minutes/Decisions of Council Meeting 18 June 2024

20240618_Agenda_Council Meeting_18 June 2024

20240618_Item 11.1.1_Attachment 1_Planning Report for P2023-121

20240618_Item 11.1.2_Attachment 1_Planning Applications Received

20240618_Item 11.1.2_Attachment 2_Planning Applications Determined

20240618_Item 11.1.2_Attachment 3_Planning Permit Activity Performance Figures

20240618_Item 11.1.2_Attachment 4_Current VCAT Appeals

20240618_Item 11.2.1_Attachment 1_Draft Play and Open Spaces Strategy

20240618_Item 11.2.1_Attachment 2_Play and Open Space Strategy Technical Report

20240618_Item 11.3.2_Attachment 1_Capital Works Program Status – May 2024

20240618_Item 11.3.4_Attachment 1_GMR Chinamans Bridge_Post Flood Assessment

20240618_Item 11.3.4_Attachment 2_Extent Heritage (2024) Chinamans Bridge Nagambie Options Assessment

20240618_Item 11.3.4_Attachment 2_Extent Heritage Chinamans Bridge Nagambie Options Assessment Appendix A. Condition Assessment

20240618_Item 11.3.4_Attachment 2_Extent Heritage Chinamans Bridge Nagambie Options Assessment Appendix B. Structural Engineering Advice

20240618_Item 11.4.1_Attachment 1_Council Plan Action Update 2024_2025

20240618_Item 11.4.2_Attachment 1_Draft Risk Management Policy 2024

20240618_Item 11.4.2_Attachment 2_Draft Risk Management Framework 2024

20240618_Item 11.4.2_Attachment 3_Risk Management Policy_Policy Impact Assessment Tool

20240618_Item 11.4.3_Attachment 1_Draft Public Art Policy and Procedure 2024

20240618_Item 11.4.3_Attachment 2_Public Art Policy_Policy Impact Assessment Tool

20240618_Item 11.4.4_Attachment 1_Draft Councillor Interaction with Developers Policy 2024

20240618_Item 11.4.4_Attachment 2_Councillor Interaction with Developers Policy_Policy Impact Assessment Tool

20240618_Item 11.4.5_Attachment 1_Draft Lease and Licensing Policy 2024

20240618_Item 11.4.5_Attachment 2_Lease and Licensing Policy _Policy Impact Assessment Tool

20240618_Item 11.4.6_Attachment 1_Draft Election Signage Policy

20240618_Item 11.4.6_Attachment 2_Election Signage Policy_Policy Impact Assessment Tool

20240618_Item 11.4.7_Attachment 1_Minutes_Audit and Risk Committee Meeting_5 April 2024

20240618_Item 11.5.1_Attachment 1_Draft Strathbogie Shire Council Governance Rules

Extraordinary Council Meeting 04/06/2024

Minutes/Decisions of Extraordinary Council Meeting 04/06/2024

Agenda for Extraordinary Council Meeting 04/06/2024

20240604_Item 8.4.1_Attachment 1_Community Engagement Report_Budget 2024-25 Submissions

Council Meeting 21/05/2024

Minutes/Decisions of Council Meeting 21/05/2024

Agenda for Council Meeting 21/05/2024

20240521_Item 11.1.1_Attachment 1_20231205 P2023-109 Officer Report

20240521_Item 11.1.2_Attachment 1_Planning Applications Received

20240521_Item 11.1.2_Attachment 2_Planning Applications Determined

20240521_Item 11.1.2_Attachment 3_Planning Permit Activity Performance Figures

20240521_Item 11.1.2_Attachment 4_Current VCAT Appeals

20240521_Item 11.3.7_Attachment 1_Capital Works Program Delivery_April 2024

20240521_Item 11.4.1_Attachment 1_March24 Council Finance Report 2023-24

Council Meeting 16/04/2024

Minutes/Decisions of Council Meeting 16/04/2024

Agenda for Council Meeting 16/04/2024

20240416_Item 11.1.1_Attachment 1_Planning Applications Received

20240416_Item 11.1.1_Attachment 2_Planning Applications Determined

20240416_Item 11.1.1_Attachment 3_Planning Permit Activity Performance Figures

20240416_Item 11.1.1_Attachment 4_Current VCAT Appeals

20240416_Item 11.3.3_Attachment 1_Strathbogie Streetscape – Functional Layout Plan

20240416_Item 11.3.3_Attachment 2_Strathbogie Streetscape – Landscaping Palette

20240416_Item 11.3.5_Attachment 1_Branding Strategy

20240416_Item 11.3.6_Attachment 1_Capital Works Program Delivery Status

20240416_Item 11.4.2_Attachment 1_ Draft Open Data Policy

20240416_Item 11.4.2_Attachment 2_ Policy Impact Assessment Tool – Open Data Policy

20240416_Item 11.4.3_Attachment 1_Draft_Fair Access Policy

20240416_Item 11.4.3_Attachment 2_ Policy Impact Assessment Tool – Fair Access Policy

20240416_Item 11.4.4_Attachment 1_ Draft Community Funding Policy

20240416_Item 11.4.4_Attachment 2_Policy Impact Assessment Tool – Community Funding Policy

20240416_Item 11.4.5_Attachment 1_Community Grant Guidelines 2024-2025

20240416_Item 11.4.5_Attachment 2_Event Grant Guidelines 2024-2025

20240416_Item 11.4.6_Attachment 1_Draft_Budget_2024-25 Strathbogie Shire

20240416_Item 11.4.6_Attachment 2_Draft 2024-25 Fees and Charges Schedule

20240416_Item 11.4.7_Attachment 1_2021-2025 Council Plan Year Four Actions

20240416_Item 11.4.7_Attachment 2_2021-2025_Council_Plan

20240416_Item 11.4.8_Attachment 1_Minutes_Audit and Risk Meeting_March2024

20240416_Item 11.5.1_Attachment 1_ Governance Rules – Update

20240416_Item 15_Confidential Business Certificate

Council Meeting 19/03/2024

Minutes/Decisions of Council Meeting 19/03/2024

Agenda for Council Meeting 19/03/2024

20240319_Item 11.1.1_Attachment 1_Planning Applications Received

20240319_Item 11.1.1_Attachment 2_Planning Applications Determined

20240319_Item 11.1.1_Attachment 3_Planning Permit Activity Performance Figures

20240319_Item 11.1.1_Attachment 4_Current VCAT Appeals

20240319_Item 11.3.1_Attachment 1_ 2023-24 Capital Program Delivery Status

20240319_Item 11.4.1_Attachment 1_Draft Policy Management Policy

20240319_Item 11.4.1_Attachment 2_Policy Impact Assessment Tool_Policy Management Policy

20240319_Item 11.4.2_Attachment 1_Draft Councillor Briefing Policy

20240319_Item 11.4.2_Attachment 2_Policy Impact Assessment Tool_Councillor Briefing Policy

20240319_Item 11.4.3_Attachment 1_Draft Tourism Related Directional Signage Policy

20240319_Item 11.4.3_Attachment 2_Policy Impact Assessment Tool_Tourism Related Directional Signage Policy

20240319_Item 11.4.4_Attachment 1_Draft Roadside Fatality Memorials Policy

20240319_Item 11.4.4_Attachment 2_ Policy Impact Assessment Tool_Roadside Fatality Memorials Policy

20240319_Item 11.4.5_Attachment 1_S5_Instrument of Delegation – Council to CEO

20240319_Item 11.4.6_Attachment 1_S6_Instrument_of_Delegation_Members_of_Staff

20240319_Item 11.4.7_Attachment 1_S11_Instrument of Appointment and Authorisation

20240319_Item 11.4.7_Attachment 2_S11A_Instrument of Appointment_Authorisation Planning_Environment Act 1987

20240319_Item 11.4.7_Attachment 3_S11B_Instrument Appointment Authorisation_EPA_Act 2017

20240319_Item 11.4.8_Attachment 1_S18_Instrument_Sub-Delegation_EPA_Act 2017

20240319_Item 11.4.9_Attachment 1_Minutes_Audit and Risk Committee Meeting_27 November 2023

20240319_Item 11.5.1_Attachment 1_Letter to Strathbogie CEO – Peter Stephenson Reappointment

20240319_Item 11.5.1_Attachment 2_Orders in Council_Victorian Government Gazette Notice -7 March 2024

20240319_Item 11.5.1_Attachment 3_Instrument Fixing Terms and Conditions – Administrator Strathbogie

20240319_Item 15_Confidential Business Certificate_CEO Performance Review_19 March 2024

Council Meeting 20/02/2024

Minutes/Decisions of Council Meeting 20/02/2024

Agenda for Council Meeting 20/02/2024

20240220_Item 11.1.1_Attachment 1_Planning Applications Received

20240220_Item 11.1.1_Attachment 2_Planning Applications Determined

20240220_Item 11.1.1_Attachment 3_Planning Permit Activity Performance Figures

20240220_Item 11.1.1_Attachment 4_Current VCAT Appeals

20240220_Item 11.4.2_Attachment 1_Audit and Risk Committee_Annual Performance Report_Jan23 to Dec23

20240220_Item 11.4.3_Attachment 1_2023-24 Mid-Year Statements

20240220_Item 11.4.4_Attachment 1_Council Plan Actions 23-24 Update

20240220_Item 11.4.5_Attachment 1_ Strathbogie Shire Council Master Inland Rail Development Agreement

Extraordinary Council Meeting 06/02/2024

Minutes/Decisions of Extraordinary Council Meeting 06/02/2024

Agenda for Extraordinary Council Meeting 06/02/2024

20240206_Item 9.3.2_Attachment 1_Nagambie Locksley Road Bridge Locality Map

Extraordinary Council Meeting 23/01/2024

Minutes/Decisions of Extraordinary Council Meeting 23/01/2024

Agenda for Extraordinary Council Meeting 23/01/2024

20240123_Item 8.3.1_Attachment 1_Independent Road Safety Report

Council Meeting 12/12/2023

Minutes/Decisions of Council Meeting 12/12/2023

Agenda for Council Meeting 12/12/2023

20231212_Item 11.1.1_Attachment 1_Planning Applications Received

20231212_Item 11.1.1_Attachment 2_Planning Applications Determined

20231212_Item 11.1.1_Attachment 3_Planning Permit Activity Performance Figures

20231212_Item 11.1.1_Attachment 4_Current VCAT Appeals

20231212_Item 11.2.1_Attachment 1_Modular Change Room Proposed Design

20231212_Item 11.2.1_Attachment 2_Longwood Recreation Reserve Community Master Plan

20231212_Item 11.2.2_Attachment 1_Goulburn Region Tourism Board Structure

20231212_Item 11.2.2_Attachment 2_Goulburn Region Tourism Incorporation Rules-Draft

20231212_Item 11.2.2_Attachment 3_Goulburn Region Destination Management Plan

20231212_Item 11.4.1_Attachment 1_Minutes_Audit and Risk Committee Meeting_6Oct2023

20231212_Item 11.4.2_Attachment 1_Draft Related Party Disclosures Policy 2023

20231212_Item 11.4.2_Attachment 2_Draft Related Party Disclosures Policy 2023 – Policy Impact Assessment Tool

20231212_Item 11.4.3_Attachment 1_GV Regional Library Collaboration Future Structures Discussion Paper

20231212_Item 11.4.5_Attachment 2_Grattan Institute Report Potholes_Pitfalls_Media Release

20231212_Item 11.4.6_Attachment 1_Draft Asset Management Policy 2023

20231212_Item 11.4.6_Attachment 2_Draft Asset Management Policy 2023 – Policy Impact Assessment Tool

20231212_Item 11.5.1_Attachment 1_Committee and Boards Listings

20231212_Item 11.5.2_Attachment 1_Order in Council_Victorian Government Gazette Notice 5 December 2023

20231212_Item 11.5.2_Attachment 2_Municipal Monitor_Mr Peter Stephenson_Final Report

20231212_Item 11.5.2_Attachment 3_Instrument Fixing Conditions, Remuneration and Allowances of Administrator for the Strathbogie Shire Council

Council Meeting 21/11/2023

Minutes/Decisions of Council Meeting 21/11/2023

Agenda for Council Meeting 21/11/2023

20231121_Item 11.1.1_Attachment 1_Planning Applications Received

20231121_Item 11.1.1_Attachment 2_Planning Applications Determined

20231121_Item 11.1.1_Attachment 3_Planning Permit Activity Performance Figures

20231121_Item 11.1.1_Attachment 4_Current VCAT Appeals relevant to the Municipality

20231121_Item 11.2.1_Attachment 1_Goulburn Street School Crossing, Nagambie – Road Safety Audit by RedSquare Traffic

20231121_Item 11.2.2_Attachment 1_ Pitch my Project 2024-25 – Guidelines

20231121_Item 11.3.4_Attachment 1_Proposed Native Vegetation Removal_Realignment_Nagambie Locksley Road

20231121_Item 11.3.4_Attachment 2_Nagambie Locksley Road Site Map

20231121_Item 11.4.1_Attachment 1_Draft Procurement Policy 2023

20231121_Item 11.4.1_Attachment 2_Draft Procurement Policy 2023 – Policy Impact Assessment Tool

20231121_Item 11.4.2_Attachment 1_Draft Tree Management Policy 2023

20231121_Item 11.4.2_Attachment 2_Tree Management Policy 2023 – Policy Impact Assessment Tool

20231121_Item 11.4.3_Attachment 1_Draft CEO Employment and Remuneration Policy 2023

20231121_Item 11.4.3_Attachment 2_CEO Employment and Remuneration Policy 2023-Policy Impact Assessment Tool

20231121_Item 11.4.5_Attachment 1_Instrument of Delegation From Waterway Manager to Members of Council Staff

20231121_Item 11.4.6_Attachment 1 S6_Instrument_of_Delegation_Members_of_Staff 2023

20231121_Item 11.4.7_Attachment 1_September 2023 Finance Reports

20231121_Item 11.5.2_Attachment 1_ Mutual Respect Charter 2023

Council Meeting 17/10/2023

Minutes/Decisions of Council Meeting 17/10/2023 – Unconfirmed

Agenda for Council Meeting 17/10/2023

20231017_Item 11.1.1_Attachments 1-3_Planning Applications Data

20231017_Item 11.2.1_Attachment 1_Helen Haines – Request for Support of Regional Housing Bill

20231017_Item 11.2.1_Attachment 2_Draft Letter of Support to PM-Addressing the Regional Housing Crisis

20231017_Item 11.3.1_Attachment 1_Drainage Reconstruction Works – Locality Map

20231017_Item 11.3.2_Attachment 1_Arboretum Link – Locality Map

20231017_Item 11.4.1_Attachment 1_Draft CEO Employment and Remuneration Policy 2023

20231017_Item 11.4.1_Attachment 2_CEO Employment and Remuneration Policy 2023-Policy Impact Assessment Tool

20231017_Item 11.4.2_Attachment 1_Draft Rates Payment and Collection Policy and Procedure 2023

20231017_Item 11.4.2_Attachment 2_Rates Payment and Collection Policy 2023-Policy Impact Assessment Tool

20231017_Item 11.4.3_Attachment 1_Draft Rates Budgeting and Notice Issuing Policy and Procedure 2023

20231017_Item 11.4.3_Attachment 2_Rates Budgeting and Notice Issuing Policy and Procedure 2023-Policy Impact Assessment Tool

20231017_Item 11.4.4_Attachment 1_Draft Information Security Policy 2023

20231017_Item 11.4.4_Attachment 2_Information Security Policy 2023-Policy Impact Assessment Tool

20231017_Item 11.4.5_Attachment 1_Draft Councillor_Expenses Policy 2023

20231017_Item 11.4.5_Attachment 2_Councillor Expenses Policy 2023-Policy Impact Assessment Tool

20231017_Item 11.4.6_Attachment 1_Draft Fraud and Corruption Policy 2023

20231017_Item 11.4.6_Attachment 2_Fraud and Corruption Policy and Control System Procedures 2023-Policy Impact Assessment Tool

20231017_Item 11.4.7_Attachment 1_Draft Child Safe Policy 2023

20231017_Item 11.4.7_Attachment 2_Child Safe Policy 2023-Policy Impact Assessment Tool

20231017_Item 11.4.8_Attachment 1_Draft Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Policy 2023

20231017_Item 11.4.8_Attachment 2_Gifts, Benefits Hospitality 2023-Policy Impact Assessment Tool

20231017_Item 11.4.9_Attachment 1_Draft Investment and Cash Management Policy 2023

20231017_Item 11.4.9_Attachment 2_Investment and Cash Management Policy 2023-Policy Impact Assessment Tool

20231017_Item 11.4.10_Attachment 1_S11 Instrument of Appointment and Authorisation

20231017_Item 11.4.11_Attachment 1_Minutes_Audit and Risk Committee Meeting_8 Sept2023

20231017_Item 11.4.12_Attachment 1_Audit and Risk Committee Charter

20231017_Item 11.5.1_Attachment 1_Draft Governance Rules Review

20231017_Item 11.5.2_Attachment 1_Draft Annual Report 2022-23

20231017_Item 15_Confidential Business Certificate_October 17 2023

Council Meeting 19/09/2023

Minutes/Decisions of Council Meeting 19/09/2023

Agenda for Council Meeting 19/09/2023

20230919_Item 11.1.1_Attachments 1-3_Planning Applications Data

20230919_Item 11.2.1_Attachment 1_Ruffy Community Action Plan

20230919_Item 11.2.4_Attachment 1_Nagambie Primary School Crossing Map Goulburn Street

20230919_Item 11.4.1_Attachment 1_Minutes_Audit and Risk Committee Meeting_2 June 2023

20230919_Item 11.4.1_Attachment 2_Minutes_Audit and Risk Committee Meeting_12 July 2023

20230919_Item 11.4.2_Attachment 1_Public Interest Disclosure Policy

20230919_Item 11.4.2_Attachment 2_Public Interest Disclosure Policy-Policy Impact Assessment Tool

20230919_Item 11.4.3_Attachment 1_Privacy and Data Protection Policy

20230919_Item 11.4.3_Attachment 2_Privacy and Data Protection Policy-Policy Impact Assessment Tool

20230919_Item 11.4.4_Attachment 1_Planning Permit Applications Referral to Council Policy

20230919_Item 11.4.4_Attachment 2_ Planning Permit Applications Referral to Council – Policy Impact Assessment Tool

20230919_Item 11.4.5_Attachment 1_Media Policy

20230919_Item 11.4.5_Attachment 2_Media Policy-Policy Impact Assessment Tool

20230919_Item 11.4.6_Attachment 1_ S11A_Delegations_Instrument of Appointment PE Act 1987

20230919_Item 11.4.6_Attachment 2_S11B_ Instrument of Appointment and Authorisation under the EPA 2017

20230919_Item 11.4.6_Attachment 3_S18 Instrument of Sub-delegation under the EPA 2017

20230919_Item 11.4.7_Attachment 1_S5 Instrument of Delegation to Chief Executive Officer

20230919_Item 11.4.8_Attachment 1_Submission_Ministerial Guidelines relating to payment of rates and charges

20230919_Item 11.4.9_Attachment 1_Strathbogie Shire Council Annual Financial Statement 2022_23

20230919_Item 11.4.10_Attachment 1_Strathbogie Shire Council Performance Statement 2022_23

20230919_Item 11.4.10_Attachment 2 Governance and Management Checklist

Council Meeting 15/08/23

Minutes/Decisions of Council Meeting 15/08/2023

Agenda for Council Meeting 15/08/2023

20230815_Item 11.1.1_Attachments 1-3_Planning Applications Data

20230815_Item 11.2.3_Attachment 1_ Annual Review of the DAMP 2021 2025 Action List

20230815_Item 11.3.4_Attachment 1_Final EOI – Growing the Regions

20230815_Item 11.3.4_Attachment 2_JJR-4220916B-25.07.2023 Options Comparison Report

20230815_Item 11.4.1_Attachment 1_Waste Wise Events Policy

20230815_Item 11.4.1_Attachment 2_Waste Wise Events Guide

20230815_Item 11.4.1_Attachment 3_Waste Wise Events Policy_Policy Impact Assessment Tool

20230815_Item 11.4.2_Attachment 1_Draft – 2023-24 Council Plan Update

20230815_Item 11.4.2_Attachment 2_ Council Plan-2023 Action Update

20230815_Item 11.4.2_Attachment 3_Council Advocacy Update

20230815_Item 11.5.2_Attachment 1_Councillor Statement of Intent

20230815_Item 11.5.2_Attachment 2_Updated Municipal Monitor’s (Ms Janet Dore) 10 Point Plan

20230815_Item 11.5.2_Attachment 3_Councillors and ELT Transition Plan

20230815_Item 11.5.3_Attachment 1_DRAFT Governance Rules – Review

20230815_Item 11.6.1_Attachment 1_2023 Community Satisfaction Survey Report

20230815_Item 11.6.1_Attachment 2_Response – 2023 Community Satisfaction Survey

20230815_Item 11.6.1_Attachment 3_Update-2022 Community Satisfaction Survey Results

20230815_Item 11.6.2_Attachment 1_ Strathbogie Shire MAV October 2023 State Council Notice of Motion

20230815_Item 12.1_Attachment 1_ALGA NGA 2023 Program

20230815_Item 12.1_Attachment 2_Invitation from Minister McBain to attend ACLG

20230815_Item 12.1_Attachment 3_Mayor’s ALGA 2023 Report

Council Meeting 18/07/2023

Minutes/Decisions of Council Meeting 18/07/2023

Agenda for Council Meeting 18/07/2023

20230718_Item 11.1.1_Attachments 1-3_Planning Applications Data

20230718_Item 11.2.1_Attachment 1_Nagambie Library Options Map

Extraordinary Council Meeting 27/06/2023

Minutes/Decisions of Extraordinary Council Meeting 27/06/2023

Agenda for Extraordinary Council Meeting 27/06/2023

20230627_Item 7.2.2_Attachment 1_2023-24 Budget and Pitch My Project_Engagement Report

20230627_Item 7.2.3_Attachment 1_Strathbogie Shire Council Budget_2023-24

20230627_Item 7.2.3_Attachment 2_2023-24 Fees and Charges Schedule

20230627_Item 7.5.1_Attachment 1_Councillor Conference and Training Attendance Form_Laura Binks

20230627_Item 7.5.1_Attachment 2_Ikara Ediacara Welcome Letter 2023_Laura Binks

20230627_Item 7.5.2_Attachment 1_ S11 Instrument of Appointment and Authorisation

20230627_Item 7.6.1_Attachment 1_Final Municipal Monitor Report – Strathbogie Shire Council_September 2022

20230627_Item 7.6.1_Attachment 2_OfficialCorrespondence_MinisterHorne_Draft

20230627_Item 7.6.1_Attachment 3_Municipal Monitor 10 Point Plan

20230627_Item 7.6.1_Attachment 4 Councillor Code of Conduct, adopted by Council 16022021

20230627_Item 7.6.1_Attachment 5_Mutual Respect Charter_Adopted 21092021

Council Meeting 20/06/2023

Minutes/Decisions of Council Meeting – June 20 2023

Agenda for Council Meeting – June 20 2023

20230620_Item 11.1.1_Attachments 1-3_Planning Applications Data

20230620_Item 11.2.1_Attachment 1_ Community Grant Guidelines 2023-2024

20230620_Item 11.2.1_Attachment 2_Event Grant Guidelines 2023-24

20230620_Item 11.2.2_Attachment 1_Economic Development Strategy_Action Plan

20230620_Item 11.2.2_Attachment 2_Economic Development Strategy_Action Plan_Appendices

20230620_Item 11.2.2_Attachment 3_Draft Economic Development Strategy – Share Strathbogie Report

20230620_Item 11.4.1_Attachment 1_Community Engagement Policy

20230620_Item 11.4.1_Attachment 2_Community Engagement Policy_Policy Impact Assessment Tool

20230620_Item 11.4.2_Attachment 1_Events Policy

20230620_Item 11.4.2_Attachment 2_2023 Event Management Framework

20230620_Item 11.4.2_Attachment 3_2023 Event Tool Kit

20230620_Item 11.4.2_Attachment 4_Events Policy_Policy Impact Assessment Tool

20230620_Item 11.4.3_Attachment 1_ Minutes_Audit and Risk Committee Meeting_03March23

20230620_Item 11.4.3_Attachment 2_Minutes_Audit and Risk Committee Meeting_21April 2023

20230620_Item 11.4.4_Attachment 1_Audit and Risk Committee_Annual Report_Jan22 to Dec22

20230620_Item 11.4.4_Attachment 2_Audit and Risk Committee_BiAnnual Report_June2023

20230620_Item 11.6.1_Attachment 1_Australian Government Advocacy Ask

20230620_Item 12.1_Attachment 1_NoM_AICD_Report_Cr Binks

20230620_Item 12.1_Attachment 2_AICD_Statement of Attendance_Laura Binks

20230620_Item 12.1_Attachment 3_AICD Certificate_Laura Binks

20230620_Item 12.1_Attachment 4_AICD Award – Laura Binks

Extraordinary Council Meeting 06/06/2023

Minutes/Decisions of Extraordinary Council Meeting – June 6 2023

Agenda for Extraordinary Council Meeting – June 6 2023

20230606_Item 7.4.1_Attachment 1_Submissions to draft 2023-24 Budget

Extraordinary Council Meeting 23/05/2023

Minutes/Decisions of Extraordinary Council Meeting_May 23 2023

Agenda for Extraordinary Council Meeting – May 23 2023

20230523_Item 7.6.1_Attachment 1_CEO_KPIs_2023-2024

Council Meeting 16/05/2023

Minutes/Decisions of Council Meeting – May 16 2023 

Urgent Business  – Council Meeting – May 16 2023

20230516_Item 14.5.1_Attachment 1_Minister Horne Advice_Municipal Monitor Appointment

20230516_Item 14.5.1_Attachment 2_Instrument of Appointment_Municipal Monitor

Agenda for Council Meeting – May 16 2023

20230516_Item 11.1.1_Attachment 1_ Planning Report – P2005-124-1

20230516_Item 11.1.1_Attachment 2_Planning Report – P2016-109-2

20230516_Item 11.1.2_Attachments 1-3_Planning Applications Data

20230516_Item 11.2.4_Attachment 1_Taungurung’s January 26 Statement

20230516_Item 11.2.6_Attachment 1_Engagement Report – Public Art

20230516_Item 11.2.7_Attachment 1_Letter of Support – Community Sponsorship Program

20230516_Item 11.4.1_Attachment 1_March 23 Council Finance Report

20230516_Item 11.6.1_Attachment 1_2023 MAV Planning Conference expense request form-Cr Raeburn

20230516_Item 11.6.2_Attachment 1_Euroa Tidy Towns 2023 Submission

20230516_Item 11.6.2_Attachment 2_Euroa Tidy Towns Finalist Certificate

20230516_Item 11.6.2_Attachment 3_KAB Awards Program_King Island

20230516_Item 12.2_Attachment 1_Councillor Expenses Reimbursement Form-Cr Reg Dickinson

Extraordinary Council Meeting 02/05/2023

Agenda for Extraordinary Council Meeting – May 2 2023

Minutes of Extraordinary Council Meeting – May 2 2023

20230502_Item 5.4.2_Attachment 1_Strathbogie Shire Council Draft_Budget_2023-24

20230502_Item 5.4.2_Attachment 2_Draft 2023-24 Fees and Charges Schedule

Council Meeting 18/04/2023

Agenda for Council Meeting – April 18 2023

Minutes/Decisions of Council Meeting – April 18 2023

20230418_Item 9.1.1_Attachments 1-3_Planning Applications Data

20230418_Item 9.2.1_Attachment 1_Submission – Victorian Government Flood Inquiry October 2022

20230418_Item 9.6.1_Attachment 1_Councillor Conference and Training Attendance Form_ALGA_Cr Binks

20230418_Item 9.6.1_Attachment 2_2023 ALGA NGA Program

Extraordinary Council Meeting 11/04/23

Agenda for Extraordinary Council Meeting April 11 2023

Minutes/Decisions of Extraordinary Council Meeting April 11 2023

20230411_Item 5.3.1_Attachment 1_Weir Road-Nagambie Rushworth Road Intersection Widening Diagram

Council Meeting 21/03/2023

Agenda for Council Meeting – March 21 2023

Minutes/Decisions of Council Meeting – March 21 2023 

20230321_Item 9.1.1_Attachment 1_Strathbogie C080strb Planning Permit Adoption

20230321_Item 9.1.1_Attachment 2_C80strb Explanatory Report

20230321_Item 9.1.2_Attachments 1-3_Planning Applications_Received_Determined

20230321_Item 9.2.3_Attachment 1_Community Flag Flying Policy_Draft

20230321_Item 9.2.3_Attachment 2_Policy_Impact_Assessment_Tool_Community_Flag Flying Policy

20230321_Item 9.4.1_Attachment 1_Minutes_Audit and Risk Meeting_2 December 2022

20230321_Item 9.4.2_Attachment 1_Audit and Risk Committee Charter Draft

20230321_Item 9.5.1_Attachment 1_2022-23 Council Plan Actions Implementation Tracking

20230321_Item 9.5.2_ Attachment 1_Policy-Councillor_Staff Interaction Policy

Extraordinary Council Meeting 28/02/2023

Agenda for Extraordinary Council Meeting February 28 2023

Minutes/Decisions of Extraordinary Council Meeting February 28 2023

20230228_Item 6.1_Attachment 1_Mid Year Budget Review 2022-23 Financial Statements

Council Meeting 21/02/2023

Agenda_for Council Meeting_February 21 2023

Minute/Decisions of Council Meeting February 21 2023

20230221_Item 9.1.1_Attachment 1_P2022-098 Officer Report

20230221_Item 9.1.2_Attachment 1_V1.2_FINAL_Planning Scheme Review

20230221_Item 9.1.2_Attachment 2_Appendix A – Planning Scheme Audit

20230221_Item 9.1.2_Attachment 3_Appendix B – Strategic Work Program

20230221_Item 9.1.2_Attachment 4_Appendix C – Planning Processes and Permit Audit Report

20230221_Item 9.1.2_Attachment 5_Appendix D – Strathbogie Planning Scheme Review_Share Strathbogie Report

20230221_Item 9.1.3_Attachments 1-3_Planning Applications Data

20230221_Item 9.2.4_Attachment 1_Draft Economic Development Strategy

20230221_Item 9.2.4_Attachment 2_Economic Development Strategy Appendices

20230221_Item 9.3.1_Attachment 1_ Mid Year Budget Review 2022-23 Financial Statements

20230221_Item 9.6.1_Attachment 1_Final Municipal Monitor Report – Strathbogie Shire Council_September 2022

20230221_Item 9.6.1_Attachment 2_Strathbogie-Municipal-Monitor-Six Month Report

20230221_Item 9.6.2_Attachment 1_ Policy-Social Media Policy 2023

20230221_Item 9.6.2_Attachment 2_Policy Impact Assessment Tool_Social Media Policy 2023

20230221_Item 9.6.3_Attachment 1_Motion to MAV May 2023 State Council_Electoral Review Costs

20230221_Item 9.6.4_Attachment 1_Submission – Roads Inquiry

20230221_Item 9.6.5_Attachment 1_Motion to MAV May 2023 State Council_Advocate for Betterment Funding

Council Meeting 13/12/2022

Agenda for Council Meeting 13/12/2022

Minutes/Decisions of Council Meeting 13/12/2022

20221213_Item 9.1.1_Attachment 1_Fee Waiver Request-Euroa Mens Shed

20221213_Item 9.1.2_Attachment 1_Nagambie Streetscape Plan

20221213_Item 9.1.2_Attachment 2_Nagambie Signage Audit

20221213_Item 9.1.2_Attachment 3_Nagambie Roundabout Plan

20221213_Item 9.1.2_Attachment 4_Draft Two Nagambie Streetscape Plan – Share Strathbogie Report

20221213_Item 9.1.3_Attachments 1-3_Planning Applications_Received_Determined

202212 13_Item 9.2.1_Attachment 1_Round 2 2022-23 Community Grant Program Summary

20221213_Item 9.4.1_Attachment 1_Minutes_Audit and Risk Committee Meeting_July 1 2022

20221213_Item 9.4.1_Attachment 2_Minutes_Audit and Risk Committee_Meeting_16 September 2022

20221213_Item 9.4.1_Attachment 3_Minutes_Audit and Risk Committee_Extraordinary Meeting_19 September 2022

20221213_Item 9.4.1_Attachment 4_Minutes_Audit and Risk Committeee_Extraordinary Meeting_7 October 2022

20221213_Item 9.4.2_Attachment 1_Complaints Policy 2022

20221213_Item 9.4.2_Attachment 2_Policy Impact Assessment Tool-Complaints Policy

20221213_Item 9.4.3_Attachment 1_Public Interest Disclosure Policy

20221213_Item 9.4.3_Attachment 2_Policy Impact Assessment Tool-Public Interest Disclosure Policy

20221213_Item 9.4.4_Attachment 1_Special Rate and Charge Scheme Policy 2022

20221213_Item 9.4.4_Attachment 2_ Policy Impact Assessment Tool-Special Rate and Charge Scheme Policy

20221213_Item 9.4.5_Attachment 1_Procurement Policy 2022

20221213_Item 9.4.5_Attachment 2_ Policy Impact Assessment Tool-Procurement Policy

20221213_Item 9.5.2_Attachment 1_Councillor Committees_Boards Representations

20221213_Item 9.5.3_Attachment 1_Letter_Victorian Electoral Commission

20221213_Item 9.5.3_Attachment 2_Terms of Reference_Electoral Advisory Panel

20221213_Item 9.5.3_Attachment 3_ Electoral Structure Reviews – Summary for Round 1 Councils

Council Meeting 15/11/2022

Agenda for Council Meeting 15/11/2022

Minutes/Decisions of Council Meeting 15/11/2022

Item 9.1.1_Attachment 1_P2021-052 Officer Report

Item 9.1.1_Attachment 2_P2021-052 Subject Land Map

Item 9.1.1_Attachment 3_P2021-052 Locality Map

Item 9.1.2_Attachment 1_Euroa Post Flood Mapping and Intelligence Project (2015)

Item 9.1.2_Attachment 2_Violet Town Flood Study Report 2007

Item 9.1.3_Attachments 1-3_PA Received and Determined

Item 9.2.1_Attachment 1_Ruffy Tablelands Christmas Party REMPLAN-Economy-Report

Item 9.2.2_Attachment 1_Christmas Decorations Grant Program_Additional Recipients

Item 9.2.4_Attachment 1_Submission to the Independent Review-Inland Rail Program

Item 9.3.1_Attachment 1_ Whroovale Estate Open Space_Locality Map_Concept Plans Only

Item 9.4.1_Attachment 1_Financial Report Attachments

Item 9.6.1_Attachment 1_Guidelines – Pitch my Project

Extraordinary Council Meeting, including Annual Statutory Meeting 08/11/2022

Agenda for Extraordinary Council Meeting, including Annual Statutory Meeting

Minutes/Decisions of Extraordinary Council Meeting, including Annual Statutory Meeting

Item 5.1_Attachment 1_Outgoing Mayoral Report

Item 5.5_Attachment 1_Mayoral Acceptance Speech

Council Meeting 18/10/2022

Agenda for Council Meeting 18/10/2022

Minutes/Decisions of Council Meeting 18/10/2022

Attachments to reports for October 2022 Council Meeting

Council Meeting 20/09/2022

Agenda for Council Meeting 20/09/2022

Urgent Business for Council Meeting 20/09/22

Minutes/Decisions of Council Meeting 20/09/22

Item 9.1.1_Attachment 1_P2022-049 Delegate Report

Item 9.1.1_Attachment 2_P2022-049 Plan for Endorsement

Item 9.1.2_Attachment 1_Draft Planning Permit Applications Referral to Council Policy

Item 9.1.2_Attachment 2_Planning Permit Applications Referral to Council_Policy Impact Assessment Tool

Item 9.1.3_Attachments 1-3_Applications_Received_Determined

Item 9.2.1_Attachments 1-2_Community Action Group Funding

Item 9.2.2_Attachment 1_Draft Public Art Policy

Item 9.2.2_Attachment 2_Engagement Report – Public Art Policy

Item 9.2.2_Attachment 3_Public Art Policy and Procedure_Policy Impact Assessment Tool

Item 9.2.4_Attachments 1-2_Christmas Decorations Grant 2022

Item 9.2.5_Attachment 1_Municipal Building Control Intervention Policy

Item 9.2.5_Attachment 2_Municipal Building Control Prevention Policy_Policy Impact Assessment Tool

Item 9.4.1_Attachment 1_S11A_Instrument of Appointment and Authorisation_PEA 1987

Item 9.4.1_Attachment 2_S11B_Instrument of Appointment and Authorisation_EPA 2017

Item 9.4.2_Attachment 1_RCTP Letter of Offer – Mansfield Shire Council

Item 9.4.2_Attachment 2_Final Draft Memorandum of Understanding RCTP

Item 9.4.3_Attachment 1_Draft Financial Statements 2021-22

Item 9.4.4_Attachment 1_Draft Performance Statement 2021-22

Item 9.4.4_Attachment 2_Governance and Management Checklist

Item 9.6.1_Attachment 1_Guidelines – Community Panel

Item 9.6.2_Attachment 1_AICD_Councillor Conference and Training Attendance Form_Laura Binks

Item 9.6.2_Attachment 2_AICD_Company Directors Course Online

Item 9.6.3_Attachment 1_Community Engagement Policy

Item 9.6.3_Attachment 2_Community Engagement Policy_Policy Impact Assessment Tool

Item 9.6.4_Attachment 1_Vic Gov Top Five – AdvocacyAsk

Item 9.6.4_Attachment 2_SSC_AdvocacyAsk

Council Meeting 16/08/2022

Agenda for Council Meeting 16/08/2022

Minutes of Council Meeting 16/08/2022

Item 9.2.1_Attachment 1_Avenel Community Plan 2022-2026

Item 9.2.5_Attachment 1_2022-23 Community Grants Program – Applications Recommended for Funding

Item 9.2.6_Attachment 1_Climate Change Action Plan

Item 9.2.6_Attachment 2_Climate Change Action Plan Engagement Report

Item 9.2.7_Attachment 1_Goulburn Broken IWM Forum SDS

Item 9.2.8_Attachment 1_Draft Submission_Victorian Transmission Investment Framework

Item 9.2.9_Attachment 1_Draft Tree Management Plan

Item 9.4.2_Attachment 1_Instrument of Delegation_Waterway Manager to Members of Council Staff

Item 9.6.1_Attachment 1_Draft Advocacy Strategy

Item 9.6.1_Attachment 2_Strathbogie Shire Council_AdvocacyAsk

Item 9.6.2_Attachment 1_Community Satisfaction Survey 2022

Item 9.6.2_Attachment 2_2022 Community Satisfaction Survey_Response

Council Meeting 19/07/22

Agenda for Council Meeting 19/07/22

Minutes of Council Meeting 19/07/22

Item 9.1.1: Attachment 1 – P2022-002 Officer Planning Report

Item 9.1.1: Attachment 2 – P2022-002 Plans for Endorsement

Item 9.1.2: Attachment 1 – P2021-005 Officer Planning Report

Item 9.1.3: Attachment 1 – P2021-102 Officer Planning Report

Item 9.1.4: Attachment 1 – P2021-103 Officer Planning Report

Item 9.1.5: Attachment 1 – P2021-231 Officer Planning Report

Item 9.1.6: Attachment 1 –  P2021-170 Officer Planning Report

Extraordinary Council Meeting 28/06/22
Council Meeting 21/06/22
Extraordinary Council Meeting 07/06/22
Council Meeting 17/05/22
Council Meeting 19/04/22
Council Meeting 15/03/22
Council Meeting 15/02/22
Extraordinary Council Meeting 01/02/22
Council Meeting 14/12/21
Council Meeting 16/11/21
Annual Statutory Council Meeting 16/11/21
Extraordinary Council Meeting 26/10/21
Council Meeting 19/10/21
Council Meeting 21/09/21
Extraordinary Council Meeting 31/08/21
Council Meeting 17/08/21
Extraordinary Council Meeting 10/08/21
Council Meeting 20/07/21
Extraordinary Council Meetings 29/06/21
Council Meeting 15/06/21
Extraordinary Council Meetings 08/06/21
Council Meeting 18/05/21
Extraordinary Council Meeting 11/05/21
Council Meeting 20/04/21
Council Meeting 16/03/21
Council Meeting 16/02/21
Council Meeting 19/01/21
Council Meeting 15/12/20
Statutory Council Meeting 17/11/20
Ordinary Council Meeting 20/10/20
Ordinary Council Meeting 15/09/20
Special Council Meeting 08/09/20
Special Council Meeting 25/08/20
Ordinary Council Meeting 18/08/20
Special Council Meeting 04/08/20

Live stream recording of Special Council Meeting 04/08/20

Ordinary Council Meeting 21/07/20

Live stream recording of Ordinary Council Meeting 21/07/20

Special Council Meeting 14/07/20

Live stream recording of Special Council Meeting 14/7/2020

Special Council Meeting 16/06/20

Live stream recording of Special Council Meeting 16/6/20

Ordinary Council Meeting 16/06/20

Live stream recording of Ordinary Council Meeting 16/6/20 pt 1

Live stream recording of Ordinary Council Meeting 16/6/20 pt 2

Live stream recording of Ordinary Council Meeting 16/6/20 pt 3

Ordinary Council Meeting 19/05/20

Live stream recording of Ordinary Council Meeting 19/05/20

Special Council Meeting 27/04/20

Live stream recording of Special Council Meeting 27/4/20

Ordinary Council Meeting 21/04/20

Live stream recoding of Ordinary Council Meeting 21/04/20

Special Council Meeting 31/03/20
Ordinary Council Meeting 17/03/20
Ordinary Council Meeting 18/02/20


If you would like to view older Council Meeting Minutes or Agendas, please click here.