Strathbogie Shire Council is responsible for the provision of council-owned roads and stormwater drains. Local roads are the responsibility of Council, while declared roads, such as arterial roads and freeways, are managed by VicRoads. Visit the VicRoads website for maps highlighting declared and local roads.
Grading Program
Council is responsible for the maintenance of approximately 1500km of gravel roads. Council’s Road Management Plan requires that roads are inspected regularly and, if their condition is outside pre-determined defect levels, those roads are prioritised and programmed for maintenance.
The grading program now employs three graders working across 24 zones on a rotation basis.
View the 24 zones here
2023/24 Grading Schedule | 2024/25 Grading Schedule |
Refer to the schedule to see when graders are expected to be operating in each zone. The program is dependent upon weather and other factors and, therefore, is subject to change. Not all roads in each zone will be graded in each rotation. The graders are scheduled to rectify defects previously logged. Roads without defects above the pre-determined levels will not be scheduled for grading.
This schedule is for the grading of gravel roads only. The grading of shoulders on sealed roads is not included as it is carried out as a separate maintenance activity.
To log a request for works to be performed, contact our Customer Contact Team on 1800 065 993 or via
Keeping our roads safe and in good condition is important to Council. If there’s a problem on a road you use, contact Council so we can endeavour to fix it as soon as possible.
Click here to report an issue with a Council-managed road.