Opening hours
For transfer stations


The opening hours of the Waste Transfer Stations are varied to give ratepayers different time frames for disposal. The Waste Transfer Stations are not open on days of Total Fire Ban or Catastrophic fire danger days.

Avenel Transfer Station 145 Monea Rd, Avenel
Nagambie Transfer Station
NEW: Nagambie Tip Shop
854 McDonalds Rd, Nagambie
Ruffy Transfer Station 2 Redgate Ln, Ruffy
Graytown Transfer Station 1485 South Costerfield-Graytown Rd, Graytown
Euroa Transfer Station 46 Euroa Tip Rd, Euroa
Longwood Transfer Station 85 Maxfield St, Longwood
Violet Town Transfer Station 190 McDiarmids Rd, Violet Town

Planning Your Visit

  • A maximum of 4m3 can be disposed of per household/vehicle per day. If you need to dispose of a larger quantity of materials, please contact Council to discuss disposal options.
  • Green waste may be deposited at the appropriate Transfer Stations for the standard tipping fee. This material is mulched on site and made available free of charge for residents. Residents that wish to take free green waste must self-load the material and it is taken at your own risk. The mulch quality varies from time-to-time and is not guaranteed by Council.
  • Commercial Quantities: all loads and materials will be inspected by our Transfer Station Operators. All Operators have the right of refusal for non-compliant materials, or materials that may be considered a commercial quantity.
  • Council does not accept bricks, concrete, clean fill or tiles at any of Transfer Station sites.
  • Tyres: a maximum of six tyres will be accepted per disposal.

Helpful information: