Local Laws are designed to empower Council to respond to local issues and protect public amenity, health and safety within our municipality. Local Laws provide peace, order and good governance in Strathbogie Shire.
Permits and forms:
- Busking
- Using Footpaths (Non-commercial Activities)
- Using Footpaths (Commercial Activities)
- Activities on Nature Strips
- Keeping Livestock/Donkeys/Horses in Residential/Commercial Area
- Shipping Containers
- Skip Bin Containers
- Camping on Council-managed Land
- Droving Livestock
- Grazing Livestock
- Operating Recreational Vehicle (Public Land)
- Trading from a Road (including Road Reserve)
- Using Incinerators and Burning in the Open Air (during non-Fire Danger Period)
- Keeping Excess Animals
2023/24 Local Law Fees
View Council’s Community Local Law No.2