The LEAPing into Resilience project is currently taking place. It is a joint initiative between Mansfield, Strathbogie and Murrindindi Shire Councils, funded by the Australian Government. The project engages with 15 communities across the three municipalities, to develop a Local Emergency Action Plan (LEAP) in five communities in each shire.

LEAPs are currently being developed, or have been developed in the following participating communities within Strathbogie Shire:

  • Avenel
  • Euroa
  • Nagambie
  • Strathbogie
  • Violet Town

LEAPs are a local community/individual household approach to emergency preparedness and compliments the other levels of emergency planning in Victoria being Municipal, Regional and State levels.

The LEAP project is a collaboration between Council and the various emergency agencies with the community.

For further information on the current engagement opportunities for LEAPs in your community, visit Share Strathbogie engagement platform.

Available LEAPs



Violet Town