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Request for Information Registers – Election Period 2024

A request for Information Register will be maintained by the Chief Executive Officer and available for inspection by the public upon request.

The Register will be published on Councils website for the duration of the election period, including a summary of responses and/or link to any requested public document

Delegations and Authorisations

The Chief Executive Officer may by instrument of delegation delegate any power, duty or function of the Council that has been delegated to the Chief Executive Officer by the Council.

A Chief Executive Officer must keep a register of delegations.

Copies of full Instruments of Delegation are available upon request or to view at council offices.

Councillor Expenses

Details of Councillor and Mayoral expenses will be published on the Council website and made available to members of the public on request.

Campaign Donation Returns

Election candidates are required under Victorian law to provide campaign donation returns. All candidates in Victorian local government elections must submit a return within 40 days of election day.

Candidates must also disclose if they have not received any donations or gifts.

Candidates must submit their completed return form to the council’s Chief Executive Officer within 40 days after election day, even if they were not elected and/or did not receive gifts.

Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Register

All declared gifts, benefits and hospitality will be entered onto Council’s Gift, Benefit and Hospitality Register and available for public review upon request.

List of Current Contracts

Personal Interest Returns

Initial Personal Interest Returns

A Chief Executive Officer must prepare a summary of the personal interests information disclosed in the last personal interests return lodged with them.

  • The summary must include:
    the town or suburb, but not the street address or number of the land that is the place of residence of a person as disclosed in the return;
  • the matters prescribed by the Local Government Amendment (Governance and Integrity) Bill 2024.

 The Chief Executive Officer must publish the summary of personal interests on our website and make it available for inspection at the council offices.

Biannual Personal Interest Returns

A Chief Executive Officer must prepare a summary of the personal interests information disclosed in the last personal interests return lodged with them.

  • The summary must include:
    the town or suburb, but not the street address or number of the land that is the place of residence of a person as disclosed in the return;
  • the matters prescribed by the Local Government Amendment (Governance and Integrity) Bill 2024.

 The Chief Executive Officer must publish the summary of personal interests on our website and make it available for inspection at the council offices.