In 2021 Strathbogie Shire Council became the 100th Council in Australia to declare a Climate Emergency and just the third to pass this Notice of Motion unanimously.
The Strathbogie Shire is a significant environmental region, with many species of native flora specific to the area being listed as endangered (14 per cent), vulnerable (6 per cent) or depleted (24 per cent) based on the findings of the Ecological Vegetation Class report (2005).
This problem is only set to increase as the climate becomes hotter and drier, making the Strathbogie Shire area’s climate more like Griffith or Dubbo in New South Wales, rather than the regular Victorian climate we have grown used to.
Council and our community are passionate about sustaining our environment and protecting the special place we call home for future generations; this is shown by the adoption of the ‘Climate Change Action Plan 2022-2027’ in August 2022. View initiatives of the plan below:
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We are stronger together than alone. Every problem has a solution, you just have to look outside the box.
Climate action initiatives
Initiatives | Status |
Work with our partner organisations to update Roadside Management Plan to reflect best practice for protecting biodiversity. | Completed |
Review our current species list for planting to ensure that it still fit for purpose and climate appropriate. | Completed |
Water: Undertake and support water use audits, retrofits, integrate rainwater and water re-use principles into operations and guidelines for parks and gardens, recreation areas, toilets, truck wash facilities, street tree watering and other identified users. | In Progress |
Electricity: Determine Council's biggest electricity users and plan for solar installation at these sites over the next five years. | Completed |
Waste: Prioritise the use of recycled products (this should happen automatically if the cost is less than 10 per cent) | Completed |
Water: Investigate and trial recycled water options for street trees | In Progress |
Water: Continue to support Greening Euroa to get it ready to go to tender once funding has been secured. | In Progress |
Investigate permeable concrete options for footpaths and other uses | Completed |
Undertake an 'Active & Connected Cycling and Walking Strategy' and review the opportunities and barriers, infrastructure, routes, and social initiatives required for residents and visitors to access a safe and enjoyable lifestyle in Strathbogie Shire. | In Progress |
List all Climate Change Actions on Council's website | Completed |
Council recognises the primary interest and knowledge of Taungurang Land and Waters Council (TLaWC) in relation to climate change and will work with TLaWC to incorporate this knowledge into Council's Climate Emergency Response | In Progress |
Update the Nature Strip Planting Policy to reflect a consistent approach to urban plantings to increase biodiversity in our townships | Pending |
Work with the Euroa Arboretum to promote the Gardens for Wildlife program across the Shire to increase biodiversity in our urban areas | Pending |
Waste: Support local groups and businesses engaging in waste reduction projects and events that reduce emissions, and waste going to landfill via the community grant process | Pending |
Development of a 10-year, climate appropriate, street tree planting plan and budget for the Shire’s townships | Pending |
Ensure climate change adaptation is fully considered in Council’s risk register and in project and in contract management | Pending |
Improve access to reliable, easy to understand climate change data and projections to inform community planning and action | Pending |
New development and precinct plans must include shaded areas to enable active transport including shaded bike and walking paths | Pending |
Undertake urban heat island mapping in each township and plan planting to increase active transport corridors | Pending |
Continue to support projects and advocacy through the Goulburn Murray Climate Alliance | Pending |
Establish a Climate Action Steering Committee or Green Team (internal) to guide implementation of new climate actions projects and increase collaboration between lead departments | Pending |
Council has already endorsed the Sustainable Strathbogie 2030 plan which has much valuable information and will help us develop our action plan. View plan here
Council has endorsed its Climate Change Action Plan 2022-27 after working with our community to understand their priorities and ensure they are represented in our action plan.
Read a copy of the plan here.