Strathbogie Shire is a film-friendly location while balancing the local amenity of residents and businesses. Information on this page relates to commercial filming, including television, feature films, advertising and television commercials, documentaries and music videos.
Most commercial filming activities require a permit for the use of a public space. This ensures the activity is in accordance with the regulations of this council. A list of the Victorian terms and conditions can be accessed below.
Filming Permits
To apply for a permit, complete an application form here.
We will respond to your application within five business days of receiving it. If we need to make complex arrangements for your filming activity it may take us more than five days to issue a permit. Fees may apply for filming permits or parking reservation.
Do You Need A Permit?
Most people conducting commercial filming must apply for a permit to use public space. However, if your filming activities are minor and ‘low impact’, you won’t need to fill out the application for a permit, but you’ll still need to obtain our permission for low impact filming by contacting us. To approve a low impact filming activity, we will require proof of your current public liability insurance and two week’s notice.
Low impact filming activities are defined by these criteria:
- a filming activity of six people or less (includes all production crew and talent)
- no more than one camera, one tripod, and handheld sound recording equipment
- public safety is maintained at all times and all public pathways, footpaths and roads must not be blocked
Filming Approval Act 2014
In August 2014, the Victorian Government passed new legislation to standardise the process for obtaining commercial filming permits on public land managed by local councils and state government agencies in Victoria. The Filming Approval Act 2014, effective 1 March 2015, provides a framework for the approval of filming permits. It outlines eight film friendly principles and the guidelines for commercial filming on public land across the state.
Victoria’s Film Friendly Guidelines are available to view here.