Our Youth Services Department offers a wide range of programs and services for young people aged between 12 and 25 years.
Funding provided by the Victorian Governments’ ‘FReeZA’ and ‘Engage!’ programs offers many opportunities to deliver activities and programs which enable young people to build their knowledge, skills and understanding.
Our diverse range of youth services encourage young people to participate in their communities and build networks and positive relationships across the Strathbogie Shire and beyond.
Strathbogie Shire’s youth have the opportunity to join individual Youth Crews in each township who also come together on a regular basis to discuss Shire-wide opportunities, the FReeZA Crew ICETRANAUTS, and access to its youth spaces in Euroa and Nagambie.
We are also an avenue of resource for information regarding health and wellbeing of young people and can provide referral to a variety of organisations which provide support for young people. For regular updates on youth events and opportunities, visit the youth Facebook page.
For information on Council’s Youth Services or to enquire about being a part of the crews contact:
Youth Development Officer Annette Walton
Phone: 0456 631 912
Email: annette.walton@strathbogie.vic.gov.au