Application for Local Law Permit - Recreation Vehicles on Public Land Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) Address(Required) Street Address Town / Suburb Postcode Primary Contact Number(Required)Secondary Contact NumberAddress of property where vehicle/s will be operated(If different from above) Street Address Town / Suburb Postcode Are you the property owner?(Required) Yes No Intended days and times for operation(Required) Reasons for operating vehicle(Required) Declaration(Required) If my/our application is granted, I agree to abide by any terms and conditions that may be imposed on the permit by the Shire of Strathbogie.Strathbogie Shire Council does not accept any responsibility for damages or injury to property, persons or third parties on the granting of this permit. Declaration(Required) I declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief all the above information is true and correct and I agree to abide by any conditions which may be imposed on a permit by an Authorised Officer. Furthermore I understand and acknowledge the fee paid with this application is not refundable should this application be refused.Signature(Required) Reset signature Signature locked. Reset to sign again