Strathbogie Shire Council will return to elected Councillors when the local government elections take place across Victoria in October 2024.

Strathbogie Shire Council will be an unsubdivided electoral structure represented by seven councillors, following recommendations made by the Electoral Representation Advisory Panel and accepted by the Minister for Local Government.

Unsubdivided electoral structure

Electoral Structure Review

An independent electoral structure review panel appointed by the Minister for Local Government reviewed the electoral structure of Strathbogie Shire Council in 2023-24.

The purpose of the review was to advise the Minister on the appropriate number of councillors and electoral structure for the council.

The Panel’s final recommendations on the new electoral structure for Strathbogie Shire Council were accepted by the Minister in February 2024 to meet the requirements of Victoria’s Local Government Act 2020.

Strathbogie Shire now has an unsubdivided electoral structure, represented by seven Councillors.

For more information about changes and to read the final report, visit the VEC website.

Information for potential candidates

The decisions of councils affect the lives of everyone living in the community. Becoming a councillor is a great hands-on way to serve your community and positively influence future directions and outcomes for the municipal area. We need people from all backgrounds and experiences who reflect the communities they serve to put themselves forward for election.

Over the coming months, Council will provide the opportunity to attend an online, in-person or one-on-one session to support the efforts of the Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) to ensure a successful transition back to elected officials for the community and our organisation.

Prospective Candidate Information Sessions

To support community members who might be considering running for Council, the Strathbogie Shire Council will be running a number of ‘Your CommUNITY, Your Voice’ Candidate Information Sessions from April through to August, 2024.

Download a copy of the ‘Your CommUNITY, Your Voice’ presentation slides here.

Strathbogie Shire Council has partnered with the Victorian Local Governance Association (VLGA) to deliver two prospective candidate workshops for local people considering standing for council election in 2024.

The workshops aim to:

  • Give prospective councillors a head start understanding the business of local government
  • Promote good governance, including participatory, inclusive and ethical decision-making
  • Increase understanding of the role of councils and council elections in the community, leading to more informed candidates and voters.
Session 1 – Becoming a Councillor

This introductory module covers the foundations of becoming a councillor. Candidates learn about legal and regulatory obligations, participatory decision-making, the importance of codes of conduct and essential community leadership skills which promote and model good governance.

Tuesday August 6 6:00pm to 8:00pm

Online or Euroa Football Club

Click here to register

Free parking available at venue – light refreshments provided

Session 2 – Life As A Woman Councillor

In this session, women candidates will be given an opportunity to hear from previous women councillors about their experiences representing local community − from standing for office, to getting elected and serving as a councillor. The unique experiences of women willbe shared in an informal and relaxed environment promoting discussion and sharing of ideas.

Guest speaker: Tanja Kovac − Co CEO Gender Lens Australia

Tuesday August 13 7:30pm to 9:30pm

Online or Nagambie Lakes Regatta Centre

Click here to register

Free parking available at venue – light refreshments provided

Your CommUNITY, Your Voice

1:1 Candidate Information Sessions

Are you considering standing for Council?

Councillors are a crucial part of our democratic society and have an important part to play in serving and representing the interests of their community.

The key aspects of a Councillor’s role include participating in the decision-making of Council, representing the interests of the municipality and participating in strategic planning activities.

All sessions will be with Council’s Administrator, Peter Stephenson, and CEO, Tim Tamlin.
Sessions are limited to 30 minutes per person.

Tuesday, July 30 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm Strathbogie Shire Council
109A Binney St, Euroa
Click here to register
Wednesday, August 14 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm Nagambie Regatta Centre
66 Loddings Lane, Nagambie
Click here to register

If you are unable to make it to one of the information sessions or your preferred time is unavailable, please email or phone our Governance team on 0357 950000 and a time will be made available to you.

MAV Candidate Information Sessions

MAV Stand for Council

The Municipal Association of Victoria Stand for Council Program aims to assist councils attract a diverse range of potential candidates by providing important information regarding the 2024 council elections, the role of council and the responsibilities of being a Councillor. It also aims to build community awareness to understand the important role of voters in delivering local democracy and representation.

The MAV is delivering more than 20 (in person and online) Community and Candidate Information sessions across Victoria from May through to August 2024.

Strathbogie Shire Council is hosted a Goulburn Ovens Murray Region session on Tuesday June 11 at Euroa Community Conference Centre.

Upcoming Goulburn Ovens Murray Sessions include:

  • Monday 22 July, Wodonga Council, Council Chamber, 6.30pm to 8.30pm

Registrations are open and will close two days prior to each session.
For more information and to register, visit Stand for Council | MAV website

Registrations essential

To manage venue capacity limits and maintain OH&S obligations regarding safety and accessibility ­– as well as assist with catering requirements – people will be required to register to attend a Stand for Council Session either in-person or online. In-person attendees will be required to check-in at the MAV registration desk prior to entering.

If people turn up in-person on the day who are not registered they cannot not be admitted unless the host council confirms there is capacity. If capacity is available, they will be required to register at the MAV registration desk before entering.

VEC information

Who can be a candidate?

To be a candidate for a local council election, you must:

  • be an Australian citizen
  • be aged 18 years of age
  • be enrolled on the voters’ roll for the council in which you wish to stand
  • have completed the mandatory Local Government Candidate Training
  • not be disqualified from being a Councillor.

You cannot be a candidate for any of the following reasons:

  • you are an undischarged bankrupt
  • you have property that is subject to control under the law relating to bankruptcy
  • you are a member of council staff of the council. You can take leave from this role in order to nominate
  • you have been convicted of any of the criminal offences referred to in section 34(2) of the Act
  • you are a Councillor with another council, including interstate councils
  • you are member of an Australian Parliament, including the Federal Parliament or a Member of Parliament in any state or territory of the Commonwealth of Australia
  • you are employed by a Federal or State Member of Parliament as a Ministerial Officer, a Parliamentary Adviser or an Electorate Officer. You can take leave from these roles in order to nominate
  • you are otherwise incapable of becoming or continuing to be a Councillor.

Further details are outlined in the Local Government Act 2020.

Do candidates need to live in the area?

To become a candidate, you must be enrolled for the council in which you wish to stand.

If the council has wards, you can be a candidate for any ward in the council.

Candidate enquiries and support

The VEC will operate a candidate helpdesk at head office in advance of the election so that prospective candidates can direct their enquiries and receive assistance with their nominations prior to the opening of the local election office, the Strathbogie Shire Council election office will be located in Bury Street Euroa from 9 September 2024.

This includes support with using the VEC’s Candidate Helper, the digital tool for the pre-completion of nomination forms. From the opening of the local election office, election managers will personally deal with all enquiries from candidates for their own council.

Candidate handbooks will be made available online and via the election office. Prospective candidates will be strongly advised to use the Candidate Helper and the VEC website for information on the election.

Become a local council candidate | Victorian Electoral Commission (


Nominations open on Monday 9 September 2024 and close at 12 noon on Tuesday 17 September 2024.

Election managers will receive and record nominations from candidates at the election office. This includes receiving the $250 nomination fee.

In advance of the close of the roll, candidates are strongly encouraged to ensure that they have confirmed their eligibility to nominate. This is particularly relevant given the changing entitlement schemes in place at the 2024 Local Government elections. The VEC’s nomination process will involve checking the candidate’s enrolment against the certified roll.

Candidates will be able to create their nomination forms online via Candidate Helper, accessible via the VEC website, but must lodge their hard copy nomination form in person with the election manager.

Candidate Helper – VEC

The use of Candidate Helper is strongly encouraged as it enables candidates to step through the nomination process, including directly submitting their candidate statement and photograph. This expedites the nomination appointment process as election managers can retrieve this data to upload it into the VEC election management system via a unique identifier on the printed nomination forms.

The list of candidates who have nominated for each local government election will be regularly updated on the VEC’s website. Candidates’ names and public contact details, where provided, will appear soon after a full quality assurance process has been successfully completed for their nomination. The VEC anticipates updates to the lists of candidates on the VEC website to be made twice daily on each day during the nomination period.

Draw for position on ballot paper

Close of nominations for candidates is 12 noon on Tuesday 17 September 2024. Election managers will hold a ballot draw to determine the order of candidates’ names on the ballot paper as soon as practicable after the close of nominations.

Ballot draws will be conducted electronically and the order of names on each ballot paper is determined by a single random draw.

The VEC’s electronic application has been independently audited to ensure the result is random. Electronic ballot draws create significant efficiencies, reducing the risk and time involved with manual data entry of ballot draw results and thus the time between the draws and dispatching ballot paper files to the printer. The electronic draw also enables the publication of the final list of candidates, in ballot paper order, to be updated to the VEC’s website by approximately 5 pm after the close of nominations.

Candidate statements and photographs

As part of the nomination process, election managers will receive candidates’ personal statements and photographs. Candidates are strongly encouraged to create their candidate statements and upload their photographs into the VEC’s online Candidate Helper and bring all documentation to their nomination appointment. This will streamline the process for loading information into the VEC’s election management system and will enable candidates to complete all steps in the nomination process in a single appointment.

The candidate handbook will provide clear information on the requirements for preparing and submitting statements and photographs. Election managers will not assist candidates with the preparation of their statement content.

Supplying a candidate statement and photograph is voluntary. The completed statements will be accessible to voters on the VEC website, in election offices and will be included in the postal ballot pack.

Candidate questionnaires

As part of the nomination process, election managers will receive answers to candidate questionnaires completed by candidates.

Like candidate statements and questionnaires, candidates will be able to complete their candidate questionnaire forms using the VEC’s online Candidate Helper prior to lodging it with the election manager. Candidates are strongly encouraged to bring this to their nomination appointment.

Supplying a candidate questionnaire is voluntary. The completed questionnaires will be accessible to voters on the VEC website and available in election offices. The VEC will publish advice showing which candidates did not lodge answers to the candidate questionnaire or did not answer any particular question.

Refund of nomination fees

Candidates who receive 4% or more of the formal first preference vote, or who are elected, will have their nomination fee refunded as soon as practicable after the declaration of the election.

Nomination fees will be refunded to eligible candidates by cheque or, where requested, by direct credit into a nominated bank account. Payments of fees forfeited by candidates who are ineligible to have their nomination fee returned will be sent to local councils at the same time.

Counting the votes

Visit the VEC website for this information.

Regular updates for the community and interested Council Election candidates will be made available on this webpage as it becomes available.

Be sure to subscribe to our eNews for Council’s latest updates.

For information about Victorian elections, visit the VEC website or should you have further questions around nominating these can be directed to the VEC candidate services team at

2024 Local Government Election