• This form is to help you make an objection to an application in a way which complies with the Planning and Environment Act 1987, and which can be readily understood by the responsible authority. There is no requirement under the Act that you use any particular form.
  • Make sure you clearly understand what is proposed before you make an objection. You should inspect the application at the responsible authority‘s office.
  • To make an objection you should clearly complete the details on this form and lodge it with the responsible authority as show on the Public Notice – Application for Planning Permit.
  • An objection must: ÿ State the reasons for your objection; and ÿ State how you would be affected if a permit is granted.
  • The responsible authority may reject an application which it considers has been made primarily to secure or maintain a direct or indirect commercial advantage for the objector. In this case, the Act applies as if the objection had not been made.
  • Any person may inspect an objection during office hours.
  • If your objection related to an effect on a property other than at your own address as shown on this form, give the details of that property and of your interest in it.
  • To ensure the responsible authority considers your objection, make sure that the authority receives it by the date shown in the notice you were sent or which you saw in the newspaper or on the site.
  • If you object before the responsible authority makes a decision, the authority will tell you its decision.
  • If despite your objection, the responsible authority decides to grant the permit, you can appeal against the decision. Details of the appeal procedures are set out in the back of the Notice of Decision, which you will receive. An appeal must be made on a prescribed form (obtainable from the Victorian Civil & Administrative Tribunal) and accompanied by the prescribed fee. A copy must be given to the responsible authority. The closing date for appeals is 21 days of the responsible authority giving notice of its decision.
  • If the responsible authority refuses the application, the applicant can also appeal. The provisions are set out on the Refusal of Planning Permit Application, which will be issued at that time.

"*" indicates required fields

Council is collecting the information on this form so that it may consider your objection in accordance with Part IV of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 (Act). Council must make a copy of this objection available for any person to inspect free of charge in accordance with Section 57 of the Act.

Who is objecting?