Calling all Avenel community members!
You’re invited to attend a free community sausage sizzle, where you can learn more, and have your say, about Community Emergency Preparedness and Recovery.
During the meeting, we’ll use emergency event scenarios to:
- Explore information relating to the local risks in Avenel
- Contribute your ideas for community priorities to prepare for emergencies
Your input will help to inform a Local Emergency Action Plan for Avenel.
When: 2pm, Sunday 19th February
Venue: Avenel Recreational Reserve
For further information contact: Leah Becke (Resilience Planning Officer)
Text /Call: 0499 500 426
This community meeting is part of the LEAPing into Resilience project, a joint initiative between Mansfield, Strathbogie and Murrindindi Shire Councils and is funded by the Australian Government.