Working together to adopt a better local law

15 Sep 2020

Working together to adopt a better local law

Strathbogie Shire Council last night adopted a new local law that shows how working with the community means better decisions for our municipality.

A total of 66 submissions were received on Council’s Draft Community Local Law No.2, more than 20 people attended online sessions to provide their thoughts and advice and Council officers had about 80 one-on-one phone discussions.

Strathbogie Shire Mayor Cr Amanda McClaren said through this feedback, Council had made several significant changes from the draft document to the Community Local Law No.2 adopted tonight.

She said the Community Local Law No.2 aimed to ensure the safety of the community and protect its amenity.

“This is a seriously important document for Council because it protects the amenity of our Shire,” Cr McClaren said.

“We are so lucky to live in such a special place and to call Strathbogie Shire home.”

Changes included in the Community Local Law No.2 adopted by Council include:

  • The removal of the permit to move stock within the Shire, while safety requirements continue.
  • The removal of a permit requirement to launch drones from Council-managed land.
  • The clarification that a requirement to remove (pick up) animal excrement applies to domestic animals in townships.
  • The removal of a permit requirement to use shipping containers for agricultural use in the farming zone, proving they are appropriately screened or located, and;
  • The removal of a permit requirement to busk in our Shire.

“Council doesn’t create these local laws to make it hard on our residents. They are not designed to restrict activities or stymie creativity,” she said.

“This local law is about making sure activities are carried out safely and people living in our Shire are protected.

“More than this is about protecting the amenity and beauty of our municipality.”

Upon adoption the new Community Local Law No.2 – the Strathbogie Shire Council Community Local Law No. 6 (2010) will be repealed.

Local Law adopted