Time for one last Summer Splash

1 Mar 2022

With the arrival of Autumn, Strathbogie Shire Council’s summer outdoor pool season will soon end – but there is a final pool party for youth in the popular Summer Splash Series.

Avenel, Euroa and Violet Town pools will close at the end of the Labour Day public holiday on Monday, March 14, and the Summer Splash youth event will be at the Violet Town Pool on Saturday, March 12.

The Violet Town event will feature live music by Bad Ibis, YNOT and Inversion, Circus Caberet, art activities, games, delicious food – and swimming.

Operating hours at Avenel, Euroa and Violet Town pools until the 2021-22 season ends are as follows:

Weekdays: 12pm to 6pm (until Monday, March 14)

Weekends: 12pm to 7pm

Morning swims: 7am to 9am (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)

Summer Splash youth event: Violet Town pool, Saturday, March 12, 1pm to 4pm.
