Sign up to get your rates notices via email

17 Jun 2020

Sign up to get your rates notices via email

Ratepayers in Strathbogie Shire can now receive their rates via email.

By signing up to the Shire’s eNotices web portal, ratepayers can also access past and present rate notices.

Strathbogie Shire Mayor Cr Amanda McClaren encouraged ratepayers to sign up.

“There are many benefits to signing up to our eNotices web portal,” Cr McClaren said.

“The web portal allows you to access past and present rate notices, it’s eco-friendly and it saves us in postage costs.”

And, she said the process was simple.

“Grab a copy of your rates notice, you’ll need this because you need your reference number, and go to,” she said.

This will take you to the webportal where you click on ‘sign up’ tab.

“Complete the form, which includes your email address and the reference number, and you’re right to go,” Cr McClaren said.

Ratepayers who need help to sign up can phone our Customer Service team or the Rates Department on 1800 065 993.


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