Longwood-Ruffy road upgrade update

16 Dec 2020

Longwood-Ruffy road upgrade update

Recent community consultation reminded us that not everyone is able to attend our drop-in sessions at the Tablelands Community Centre, so set out below is the progress and priorities in relation to the upgrade.

Some months ago, we had identified the tress in our audit and those for removal. Most of the trees identified are regrowth and had grown within the road zone.

We have also walked the entire road upgrade area with our contractor discussing each aspect related to the upgrade. This has now enabled the contractor to schedule the works for early January.

Although the drainage works had commenced we had concerns about the design, so hence the delay as we took the plans back to the drawing board and we believe now we have overcome any issues we perceived were not right with the first design.

This has slowed the progress, but our contractor has now rescheduled works and it is expected Stage 1 will be completed by March.

During the works period the detour will accommodate local traffic for the residents living within each section of road that is closed and in case of any emergency, the contractor will meet any and all needs/requirements of that emergency response.

We are currently evaluating the tender responses for Stage 2. A tender Report and Recommendation will be prepared and presented at the January Councillors Meeting.

These road upgrades are funded from our Road Safety Projects.

Most of all our goal is to ensure the best outcome for you, our community, and Council.

In the meantime, for more information, or to discuss this project please contact our Senior Project Officer Michael Kolapo on 1800 065 993.


Click here to access this information in a print friendly fact sheet.



Longwood-Ruffy Rd Stage 2