Help set our Climate Change priorities

21 Jun 2021

Strathbogie Shire residents are being invited to help set mitigation, adaptation and resilience actions to address Climate Change by attending a public forum on July 15.

The forum is the next step in Strathbogie Shire’s Council’s work to address the impacts of Climate Change.

Council recently became the 100th Council in Australia to declare a Climate Emergency and just the third to pass this Notice of Motion unanimously.

Mayor, Cr Chris Raeburn, said a panel of climate experts had been assembled to share their expertise.

“We’ve got panellist coming who will share their expertise and knowledge, along with information about work they’re doing and provide our community with the opportunity to ask questions,” Cr Raeburn said.

“We’ll also use this forum as an opportunity to work with our community to start prioritising and setting our mitigation actions as we work with you to develop a Climate Change Action Plan.”

Panellists include:

  • Professor Kate Auty. EPA chair, former Victorian Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability and ACT Commissioner for Sustainability and the Environment
  • Cr Jenny O’Connor. Mayor – Indigo Council
  • Bronwyn Chapman. Executive Officer Goulburn Murray Climate Alliance
  • Cr Sally Hayes-Burke. Councillor Strathbogie Shire Council
  • Cam Klose. Campaign Director – Farmers for Climate Action

The forum will be independently facilitated by Indigo Power Chair Ann Telford – to ensure everyone has an opportunity to share their views, ask questions and help us prioritise our Climate Change actions.

The forum is being held on Thursday, July 15 from 6pm to 8pm at the Longwood Community Centre.

To meet coronavirus restrictions the public will need to register attendance by visiting or
