Council Supports Community-Led Australia Day Events

12 Dec 2024

Strathbogie Shire Council has adjusted its approach to Australia Day, reinstating its official support for January 26 celebrations while committing to a review of its policy on the occasion.

At its December 10 meeting, the Council resolved to:

  • Receive and note the letter dated 16 November 2024, from the Euroa Australia Day Committee 2025, requesting Council immediately reinstate Council’s official support of Australia Day on January 26.
  • Authorise officers to prepare and present a report at the April 2025 Council Meeting on options for Council to undertake a review of Council’s policy position relating to events that celebrate Australia day on January 26, to include deliberative engagement with the Strathbogie Shire community, affected community groups, and the Taungurung Land and Waters Council at a minimum.
  • Following an Expression of Interest process, provide funding to Australia Day Committees, or their relevant auspice agency, up to the value of $2000, to support events held in the Strathbogie Municipality that celebrate Australia Day on January 26, 2025.
  • Authorise the Chief Executive Officer to award the approved funding to the relevant Australia Day committee or auspice agency following the review of their Expressions of Interest through a letter of financial agreement.
  • Refer the costs associated with item four (4) above to the mid-year budget review process for Council’s consideration.
  • Support the Australia Day January 26, 2025, events through Councillor representation, should councillors choose to do so.

This change follows earlier Council decisions to limit involvement in Australia Day celebrations.

Strathbogie Shire Council Mayor Claire Ewart-Kennedy explained the revised approach:
“We have listened to community feedback and recognise the importance of Australia Day to many in our community while also being aware of broader conversations about this date. While this represents a shift in our previous position, it is rooted in our commitment to supporting local community events that bring people together and reflect our diverse community spirit.

Councillors have also been encouraged to participate in local celebrations as community representatives if they wish.

Funding will be distributed following a review of Expressions of Interest and through financial agreements with eligible committees. The associated costs will be reviewed as part of Council’s mid-year budget process.

For further information on funding opportunities or Australia Day events in the Strathbogie Shire, contact Council on 1800 065 993.