Stand and deliver for your community

7 Sep 2020

Stand and deliver for your community

Strathbogie Shire is seeking diverse and passionate representation from individuals committed to their community.

Could you be exactly what your community needs in 2020 and beyond?

Nominations for the upcoming local government elections must be lodged before 12noon on Tuesday, 22 September. So, if you’ve ever thought about contributing more for your community, now is the time to put your plan into action.

Sitting on council offers an incredible opportunity to create meaningful, long-lasting change through providing leadership across many local issues and services.

Councillors take a stand on decisions and planning for sporting and recreation facilities, or for libraries and local roads. They also provide input into decisions related to maternal health and childcare services, rubbish and recycling, and infrastructure essential for local amenity.

Strathbogie Shire Chief Executive Officer Julie Salomon said standing for council presents a chance to give back to your community.

“Being on council is a way to become actively involved in your community, while providing a clear and strong voice for your fellow citizens,” Ms Salomon said.

“We strongly encourage all those who are considering to stand, or who have ever thought about standing, to nominate before the deadline.

“We want to hear voices from all cross-sections and backgrounds of our municipality. We want your unique qualities on council.”

What attributes do I need?

Potential candidates may be surprised to learn they already possess many qualities required to represent their community at local government level. For example, skills such as public speaking, business acumen, leadership and budgeting are highly regarded.

On a regular basis, councillors are required to attend meetings, participate in civic events and can be called on to inspect planning or infrastructure projects.

While there are significant time commitments, there are options available to allow you to work flexibly; including for full-time employees and working-parents. Talking to a councillor in your area may help you to understand the role and the required commitment.

Before lodging a nomination, candidates are required to have completed the mandatory online candidate-training.

Elections and safety during Covid-19 pandemic

The Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) has confirmed elections will be held state-wide through postal vote only, due do the Covid-19 pandemic. Through its COVIDSafe Election Plan, the VEC has also announced a series of measures to ensure the 24 October election will be safe and accessible for all participants, while complying with state and federal regulations.

While the plan will remain subject to change in the lead-up to the election, the VEC is taking steps to ensure the safety of all participants in the election process.

For more details on the 2020 local government election, visit or


2020 election image