Nagambie Planning Scheme Amendment on public exhibition

12 Sep 2023

A planning scheme amendment to rezone land in Nagambie from Farming Zone to General Residential Zone is now on public exhibition.

The amendment applies to 15.87ha of land off Murray Street, Nagambie. It proposes to rezone the land from Farming to General Residential Zone and a Develop Plan Overlay sets a guide for the future development of the site.

For those looking for more information, please:

  • Visit the planning scheme amendment section of our website
  • Attend a drop-in day at the Nagambie Lakes Regatta Centre on
    • Thursday, September 14 from 9am to 3pm
    • Thursday, September 21 from 9am to 3pm
  • Drop into our Customer Service Centre, or
  • Phone us on 1800 065 993.