Have your say on Avenel’s future growth

9 May 2023

Council is calling on the Avenel community to have its say on important matters affecting their future.

Strathbogie Shire Council Mayor Cr Laura Binks said Council was in the process of updating the Issues and Opportunities paper as part of the refresh of the Avenel 2030 Strategy.

“Avenel is rapidly growing, becoming a desirable township offering a rural lifestyle within a couple of hour’s drive from the Melbourne CBD,” Cr Binks said.

“As a result, the existing Avenel 2030 strategy requires updating to ensure the document meets the needs of the growing community.”

“The updated strategy will identify and assess future land uses to meet growth and demand for housing, jobs, and services to insure coordinated growth into the future.”

The need to review the document was detailed in the Council Plan and the update is a joint project between the Department of Environment, Energy and Climate Action (DEECA), formally known as the Department Environment Land, Water & Planning (DELWP), and Council.

DEECA has appointed Mesh Livable Urban Communities to undertake the work.

“While the existing Avenel 2030 is a very good document, the strategy requires updating to better direct the residential development Avenel is currently experiencing,” Cr Binks said.

“We want to hear from residents on important matters affecting their future in Avenel including the direction of residential growth while protecting the township’s unique historical character.”

Council will also discuss telecommunication improvements for the area, retaining and protecting native vegetation and neighbourhood character as Avenel grows into the future.

“We want to hear from you – the Avenel community! So that we can ensure the proposed changes meet your expectations,” Cr Binks said.

Visit www.share.www.strathbogie.vic.gov.au where you can complete a short survey about your experiences in Avenel and suggest a name for the refreshed Issues and Opportunities paper.

“There will also be an opportunity to complete a hardcopy of the survey in Avenel during a drop-in session at the Avenel Community Hub, 23 Queen St, Avenel on May 18, 2023 from 10am to 3pm.

“Members of our planning team will be present at the session to discuss the Issues and Opportunities paper and why the refresh is taking place.”

“If this time does not suit, we encourage you to contact Council via 1800 065 993 or info@strathbogie.vic.gov.au to book at appointment with one of our Council officers.”

Feedback closes at 5pm on Tuesday June 6, 2023.