#GreatNewsThursday – Rock out on stage at the North East Battle of the Bands Euroa heat this October

28 Sep 2023

Strathbogie Shire Council is calling all young musicians and budding event developers across the shire to get ready to rock, rap, learn and lead.

The North East Battle of the Bands Euroa heat is taking expressions of interest from music makers and people who want to help make the music happen.

This exciting event on October 21 is open to Shire residents aged 12-25 years who wants to further their skills in music performance or planning and event management – all while having fun.

This year’s Battle of the Bands promises to bring the community together and showcase the region’s upcoming artists.

Young performers and crew members will get the chance to connect with other young people and local businesses, make new friends and discover new opportunities.

Mayor Cr Laura Binks said there were fantastic career pathways available to young people through this program.

“Thanks to Council and the Victorian Government’s FreeZA program, the Strathbogie Shire Battle of the Bands event in Euroa is not just about making music, it’s also about developing skills in areas such as performance, production and event management that can lead to job opportunities,” she said.

Young people who are ready to rock the stage or help plan and deliver the event are asked to register their expression of interest today at by calling Council on 1800 065 933 or emailing youthservices@strathbogie.vic.gov.au

For more information, contact Council’s Youth Development Officer on 1800 065 933.