For the past 2 years Community Learning Euroa (CLE) has been delivering training to the community of Euroa.
The training has been for people wanting to learn more about the use of their phones and computers and for people wanting to prepare for the workforce.
The team of volunteers at CLE believe that there is a need in Euroa for a greater range of training and services which a Neighbourhood House could provide.
Neighbourhood Houses bring people within the local area together to meet and socialise, to achieve positive community and personal outcomes. They strengthen community spirit, pride and connection.
A Neighbourhood House could provide the following services:
- Post secondary education and training
- A central and accessible location for community organisations
- Additional programs which the community could utilise such as:
✓ Mums and bubs programs
✓ Playgroups and Toy Library
✓ Centrelink services and location for visiting specialist
✓ Support service referrals
✓ Computer access and training
✓ Drop in centre for local and regional people
To work out if the community of Euroa wants to develop a Neighbourhood House, Community Learning Euroa is holding a public meeting on:
Tuesday August 29 at
5pm at the
Band Hall Kirkland Ave.
If you’re interested in this idea, please come along to the meeting.